Friday 27 January 2012

Prelim Evaluation

For our prelim exercise, we were asked to follow a brief with the description being "a character walks into a room, sits down opposite another character and they share a few lines of dialogue". This task was quite interesting as it enabled every one to interpret the brief in their own way. In my group, the first thing we did was discuss and draw out a story board which we then converted into an animatic to upload on the blog.

When we started filming, we came up with additional ideas that were different to the ones we had discussed earlier and put down on our storyboards. If we would have stuck to our intial ideas our final outcome would have been a bit different but we decided that the re-thought version looked better. 

The first thing that was filmed was me (main character) walking down the corridor, but only from the waist down. For our first attempt at this, we had the camera stood still on the tripod and it filmed as i walked by. We were then given the idea of sitting on a wheely chair and carrying the camera so it moved along from in front as the character was walking towards it, this was a much more effective way of capturing the movement and the footage from using this technique was then chosen as part of our final outcome. We took various angled/height shots of me for the opening of the prelim as we thought it would make it look more interesting and also extended that part to help us make up the right time (approximately 40 seconds). Some background music was added in this bit to add some suspense to my walking aswell.

After the filming of this part of the prelim was done we moved on to filming the main character walking through the door of the room she was about to meet the other person in. For this, we used normal mid shots as i walked upto the door and then a close up and match cut as i opened it. When i was in through the other side, we added foley sound to emphasise the closing of the door.

As the main character takes a few steps towards the table, a mid shot is still being used and the face/head is purposely not shown (to add mystery; this was one of our initial ideas). The other character is then shown for the first time and we had to edit (slow down) the speed of the shots of her because they were too fast, as she was watching the first character enter the door and come closer.

When the first character sits down at the table, her face/head are still deliberately not shown. At this point, we were supposed to include some sort of dialogue but we ran out of time and didnt have the chance to go back to it in the following lesson as we had to move on to our editing, however, we were only 3 seconds out of the suggested 40 seconds.

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