Tuesday 3 January 2012

Audiences for Film

Audiences for films have to be looked at closely before creating your own. A huge part of this is for marketing. Posters often have a huge insite to the audiences that will be attracted to the film

I used these posters to clearly show that the genre represents the target audiences.
Sean of the dead is obviously a comedy Thriller, shown with the white background and facial expressions. this poster would attract in my opinion the age group around 16-25.
The ghost writer attracts a middle class and middle aged group as it is a political thriller. The poster tells the viewer this through use of font, colour scheme and props in the shot.
Scream and Deja Vu are both verry different. Scream is obviously a Horror Thriller, attracting a wide variety of ages genders and classes. Mostly 16-25 year old would watch this but it could go onto a larger scale as this type of movie is widely appreciated.
Whereas Deja Vu is a very masculin type film. It's an action thriller and from this you can gather that the majority of viewers watching this film are male. The colours are a hug part of this poster showing it is an action film. Mostly working class would be looking at this film.

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