Friday 27 January 2012

Evaluation of Prelim

For our Preliminary we was given a brief, which was to film a sequence that included a match cut, shot reverse shot and to show that we understood the 180 degree rule. We was given the outline of everything we had to do. We was given one line "a character walks into a room, sits down opposite another character and they share a few lines of dialogue" to tell us what the prelim must consist of.

We planned our prelim first, we drew out the storyboard and came up with many ideas to make the scene more of a thriller. After we drew out the storyboard we made an animatic of it and started to film.

We filmed Emily, the main person in the scene walking into the room. When filming, we got many different shots of below her waist, we even had a tracking shot. This was done by me siting on a wheely chair and getting pushed by Nevin while Emily walked. It was difficult to do this shot as it was hard to keep the camera steady as well as control the chair. We then took various shots of Emily opening the door and entering the room. As a group we could have done many more close ups to make the prelim have more suspense.

After filming we started to edit the Prelim, we put together the clips and then added credits. The credits were fairly simple which could have been improved. This is because when adding the credits it was difficult to find the right place to put text due to the background. However we still made a good job of it. For sound, we chose something that would of held the suspense like our camera shots. The sound that was consistant through the prelim was right for the prelim because it created an eerie feeling that fitted in with out idea. We decided to emphasize the sound of the door closing by using foley sound. It was difficult to find the right sound, however when we found one it matched well for timing but the actual sound of the door was different. We could have done better to emphasize the sound by making out own rather than using a pre made one. At the end of the prelim we chose to use a faint heartbeat, as Emily and myself finally came face to face. This could have worked better if the heartbeat was a bit louder. As the music ended a bit early to allow the audience to hear the heartbeat but because it was too faint/quiet it made out as if the music ended dramatically. So the heartbeat was not as successful as well thought.

Overall the prelim gave us and idea of how it would be when creating our actual opening and the process of it.

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