Wednesday 14 March 2012

EVALUATION Q1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products.

The conventions of film includes the name of the film, the cast and directers credits, production and distribution logos, graphics, music and soundtrack and action which hooks the audience. In our research for the film opening, we got to understand how the conventions of film openings, this helped us apply it with the credits and lack of knowledge to the spectator.
For example, i looked at Psycho mainly in my research for film conventions.

Our opening follows the conventions of film openings pretty well. We showed all six aspects of film openings. we used graphics to show the production company at  the beginning:

The Hook and  Characters
Hooking an audience in the opening of any film is essential but for a thriller this is even more encouraged. To hook our viewers in the opening, we wanted to make it discrete and mysterious. Not only did we achieve this by being discrete but we managed to keep the hook and the Sub-Genre of Psychological. I think that in not showing our character fully, we added to this discrete opening. We put together an opening of close ups to create a mysterious storyline and more of a Psychological feel for the main character.

We did not use a "soundtrack" through the opening which i believe is the one area where we went against the film opening conventions. This is mostly used in openings so that when it is played throughout the film, the spectator is familiar with the feeling they get at the beginning, almost like intertexuality but within just one film

Intertexuality Is widely used with Psycho, we did not do the conventional stabbing with a knife and a women in the shower, but we did put this film in black and white which in my opinion shows intertexuality between these two films. Not only this, but the opening credits were both simple, bold, centered and in black and white. This, i think is a great way to show a Psychological thriller through credits. 

The film title sequence always fits with the film. This gives the viewer the idea of what type of film the spectator is abouts to view. Although on their own, the opening credits do not signify a thriller but put together with the opening itself, i think it shows a thriller well.
For example:
          This text we used fitted well with our Genre and Mise-en Scene. The basic black and white colours we used were mianly influenced from film openings such as Psycho:

Checkmate.  This text type shows a "typewriter" theme in which we used, however our title sequence was put together with sound effects, and camerawork to create this thriller feel for the spectator. 

I think where the title sequence is concerned we definitely made it work well with our opening. Although we did make the font and style work well, the conventions of the title were played around a bit to make our opening more effective. For example, a film opening usually includes the title of the film which we decided to place at the end, we felt that giving the title away to the audience straight away, ruined it so we challenged the conventions to make it work best for us. 

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