Wednesday 7 March 2012

Evaluation of my Prelim

When shooting my prelim there was only one other person in my group. We made a storyboard together and came up with a script which both fitted together. We decided that where camerawork was concerned, we wanted to build it. To do this we used close up shots put together in which revealed the ending where she is walking into a room. We used close ups of feet, face and a swinging hand. Between these shots we also put in a cross cut to the girl waiting in the room.

Whilst shooting, we decided to get all close ups at once, then move on to shooting the conversation and then we finally filmed all the pieces which glued it together. This helped us organise our time and the amount of work needing to be done, we did not want to get down to editing and find out we needed more footage, luckily we did not have to.

Where editing was concerned, we decided to turn it black and white, in my opinion this added to the video as a whole. Whilst editing we wanted to have a simple title opening. We went through a few "sample texts" but felt that the scrolling txt fitted best with our short video. We also did not add any colour to this title opening. We wanted it to fit well with the video so we felt it was best to stick with plain black and white. 

The main problem we had whilst filming the prelim was lighting. We filmed a few shots but realised the lighting was letting it down. We then took out a dedo light which helped incredibly. 

As we only had two members in or group, we needed to film the script all as over the shoulder shots, we done this by filming one person saying all their lines then the other person, we then edited it so that it gave the idea of a conversation. Considering we could not get a two shot to show the conversation, I think the shots do reveal what is happening.

Things we learned whilst doing this prelim, is that planing ahead is essential. The storyboard helped us save time and not miss any key elements we needed. Another rule we learnt is that you need to work together to get a successful piece of work. Me and Cindy worked together throughout the storyboard, script, filming and editing.

Overall, I think that the prelim gave us a good rough idea on how to film well and how to be well organised. It was also a good practice run to give us a good idea of what problems and etc to expect through making our opening.

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