Tuesday 27 December 2011

Film Opening Extra Work - Jeepers Creepers 2

In Jeepers Creepers the opening seqsuence shows three logo's for company's. The third logo is owned by MGM produciton company. All of these titles are edited to fade through to one another. (shown opposite in screen shots: SS1, SS2, SS3)

This then goes straight into the opening sequence without any credits shown yet. The first screen shown is plain black with plain, bold, white writing in the center of the screen.

                                                     The writing here reads 'Ever 23rd Spring', 'For 23 Days', 'It Gets 
To Eat'. This writig is shown as plain, bold, white and in hte center of a black screen, this clearly shows the spectator the importance of these opening words. No opening credits have been shown yet which was quite unexpected. From the creepy words 'It Gets To Eat' the background from black, fades into a high saturated picture showing a corn field.


This setting is intentianally very dull coloured and edited to a very high saturated level. All of these opening parts are done almost to extremes.

After the opening reveals the logo's and the text, the film then shows the first picture. This picture is edited to look very saturated with intense colour. It shows a cornfield. This holds for a few seconds before panning around the whole field as it comes to a stop, words appear in the same bold plain white writing 'Day 22'. The first character then comes into the frame, bringing the opening to life.

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