Wednesday 7 December 2011

Conventions of film openings.

In the opening of films they will consist of:

    • Name of the film
    • Name of the cast and director 
    • Productions and distribution logos.
    • Graphics
    • Music/Soundtrack
    • Action that hooks the audience

    For example we viewed the opening of Psycho. The opening scene starts of with the Logo of the production and distribution which is Paramount.

    It then moves on to the name of the Director which Alfred Hitchcock which is shown using graphics to create a sense of the genre for the spectator. It does this by using black and white, capital letters and bold font. 

    In the same way the title of the film is also shown. The text is also bang in the middle which also keeps the audience attention. After the name of the film there are credits of the cast and crew with the same sort of graphics.

    Soon after all the credits, the film begins with a establishing shot which shows where the film take place. In Psycho it also tells the date and time of the film which is Friday 11th December 2:43 pm.

    After the establishing shot that pans across the city, the camera then cuts to a shot of buildings, to the window then to the two characters. This is where the movie begins to hook the audience.

    This is a classic opening for a film as it tells the audience the location of the film and the main characters and what they do.

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