Friday 24 February 2012



This is the real book we are going to use in our final opening.

Filming Pictures!

Checkmate Filming

We took some pictures during our first filming session to show some effects we hoped to achieve:

The chess pieces on our board.

We wanted to create a shadow of the pieces for good Mise-En-Scene.

This picture shows us creating the shadow with an artificial light

The end result.
As we wanted to create more mystery, we decided to use an artificial light in the dark to create shadows. We found this worked well and we will be using these shots in our final cut.

We took this picture to show the difference between using the artificial light and having the normal room light. As you can see, our end result was much more effective for the audience.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


The chess board that we plan on using:

Similar to the chess board used in X-Men, one of the films in which we drew inspiration from, we thought that choosing a glass chess board rather than a plastic one would add more to the creepy atmosphere that we wish to create.

Monday 20 February 2012

Filming Location - Interview room

This is the room where most of our filming will take place. All the chess shots will be taken in here as well as the close ups of the killers eyes, mouth, hand and feet and the book. 

Location for filming

Here are some pictures of the location we filmed the walking shots in. We chose it because it was easily accessible and a fairly quiet area plus it had the right mise en scene. 

Saturday 11 February 2012

Woman In Black Review

We saw the film 'The Woman In Black', a supernatural thriller, and it gave us lots of inspiration for the creation of our own film.

The film was highly suspenseful and, as audience members, it kept us drawn in all the way throughout. One of the ways it did this was through it's use of music and sound effects. Throughout the darker times in the film, contrast was created with creepy lullabies that contradicted the visual effects . Also, another technique that we saw that we think would be effective to use in our own film, was the use of silence in moments of tension. It was very unsettling as it left the audience on the edge of their seat.

The film also used mise en scene very well; the film was set on dark, dreary moors and all of the scary moments were dark, dreary and colorless. This was something else that we think we could adapt to our film; the use of colour to add to the mood.

Wednesday 8 February 2012

Adjustments to final idea.

When discussing our final idea in depth we came up with something extra to add which we thought would be more effective and make our opening look more interesting. When filming the movement of each chess piece, we will add cross cuts to the character who was initially going to be murdered at the end and show that with each movement of the specific pieces, they are one step closer to death.  

For EXAMPLE: a shot of a pawn piece moving will cross cut to the victim walking down the road, another cross cut will then go back to the chess board and show another movement which then cross cuts back to the victim and shows someone following them. 

Sunday 5 February 2012

180 Degree Rule

The 180 degree rule is a well known and important rule used when filming sequences to keep it clear to the spectator what is happening. The camera has to stay within 180 degrees of where  it has previously filmed. This stops confusion for the spectator when viewing the sequence.

Friday 3 February 2012


Story Board

This storyboard is the basic outline 

Production Schedule


This book is an example of a prop we are planning on using. An old style book that explains the reasons for each death. 

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Film's for Inspiration

As we have decided on our pitch and came up with the storyline, we have decided to look into films using chess for inspiration on shot types Mise en Scene etc.

                                                         THE SEVENTH SEAL

This screen shot is from the film The Seventh Seal where death plays a game of chess with a knight. We like the Mise en Scene here, having it in black and white really adds to the film giving it a thriller type feel. 


This is a screenshot from the first Harry Potter film. The board here is well thought out and we thought the sounds used in this scene are very affective. When the pieces are getting moved forward, the sound that goes with it is quite chilling for the spectator.


This is the chess scene from X-men. They are both wearing black and white which also have a hidden meaning as well as the board. Although in our sequence we will only be using one player, playing with himself. We are doing this because we want the killer to be more Psychologically disturbed.


We looked at the scene as we wanted a hand to be tapping the fingers we think it build suspense very well. We found the scene and whist looking at the sound we decided that the hand was creepy looking so the Mise en Scene here is used well with sound.